Lesson 1 : Intention Setting
Lesson 2 : The Wheel Of Life
Lesson 3 : Your Belief System
Lesson 4 : Acknowledging Self-Limiting and Self-Empowering Beliefs
Lesson 5 : The Practice of Gratitude
Lesson 6 : Gratitude Letter
Lesson 7 : Make a Decision
Lesson 8 : Set your Goals
Lesson 9 : Empowering Beliefs support Your Goals
Lesson 10 : Visualisation
Lesson 11 : Your Journey towards Success
Lesson 12 : Trust and Appreciation
Lesson 13 : Habits towards Your Goals 1
Lesson 14 : Habits towards Your Goals 2
Lesson 15 : Establish a Routine
Lesson 16 : Write a Letter to Your Future Self
Lesson 1 : Intention Setting
Lesson 1 – Intention Setting
Today you are going to set an intention for this course you have just committed to.
Before you set an intention I’d like to tell you the importance of intention setting. An intention is something you intend from your heart space that will lead to the trajectory of your experience in this course. The outcome of your experience in this course will be determined by your intention. An intention is a path you aim to align to, an outcome you want to get to. It guides our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.
Oprah Winfrey has one principle in which she rules her company and which she rules every action in her life: INTENTION. Since I heard about this principle many years ago, I started setting intentions for my professional and personal life.
Our intention is everything. Jim Carrey says that nothing happens without intention. Your intention creates everything you experience in your life. Did you ever ask yourself the question if your intention was created doing this course? Think for a moment which events in your life are created by which intentions.
Your intention for this course will ultimately determine the outcome of this course.
Some examples of my intentions:
Before I started writing my book.
- I intend to break free from indoctrinations
This intention made me write the book ‘The Student’. In this book, I write freely of what I feel and break free from some of the indoctrinations I had. One of the indoctrination was that I should tell what I feel to anyone.
Before I created this course.
- I intend to genuinely help others to become highly emotionally intelligent people that are strong and know how to create the life they want.
- Through my passions, I make a living.
This intention made me create this course and serve those who become highly emotionally intelligent and are able to create the life they want to experience.
Before I created the Bridging Podcast
- I intend to engage with inspiring people who are changing the world through contributing to others, while I help others to level up.
This intention made me create the Bridging Podcast with inspiring guests, such as Seth Godin, Gulshanoy Tolipova, Arie Boomsma, and Zainab Salbi.
A general intention I have is
- I intend to be a genuine, kind, loving, compassionate, caring daughter, sister, friend, and partner.
This intention makes me experience loving, genuine, and compassionate relationships with those around me.
Lesson 1 – YOU DO – Intention Setting
Do you want to get rid of toxic relationships and build loving, genuine, and compassionate ones?
You may want to write down
I intend to work on creating loving, genuine, and compassionate relationships.
Do you want to get more confident and trust your intuition?
You may want to write down
I intend to trust myself more.
Set the intention, make the intention lead, trust the process. Btw there are no wrong intentions, there are only intentions. The only wrong thing is not setting an intention. Do dare to have an intention. Intentions usually define outcomes.
Lesson 1 – BONUS Intention Setting
1- Watch the short video (4.24 minutes) of Oprah Winfrey where she talks about the power of intention with Gary Zukav.

2- Watch the short video (4.24 minutes) of Jim Carrey on the power of intention.

Lesson 2 : The Wheel Of Life
Lesson 2 – The Wheel of Life
8 segments
1. Business and Career
2. Finances
3. Health
4. Family and friends
5. Romance
6. Personal Growth
7. Recreation
8. Physical Environment
Lesson 2 – YOU DO – The Wheel of Life
Objective: At the end of this lesson you are going to learn more about the balance in your life and you will get a clear idea of your priorities in your life and where you are spending your energy.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
Now you will rate your satisfaction level out of 10 against each of these different segments. 1 is the closest to the center point of the circle. 10 If you are very satisfied, you are at the edge of the circle.
Important to notice that you rate each segment in the NOW. You can rate this Wheel of Life whenever you want again, but for now, it’s important what you rate NOW.
1. Business and Career
– Is your career where you want it to be right now?
– Are you heading in the right direction in terms of your career?
2. Finances
– Am I earning enough income to satisfy my needs?
– Am I financially set up for growth in the future?
– Am I happy with the way I cover my finances?
3. Health
– How physically healthy are you right now?
– Are you satisfied with the level of fitness?
– Are you satisfied with the level of nutrition?
4. Family and friends
– Are you engaging with your family and friends that are satisfying your needs?
5. Romance
– Do you feel loved?
– How often do you express your love to others?
6 Personal Growth
– Are you satisfied with your personal growth?
7. Recreation
– Are you enjoying your life and making it fun?
– Are you satisfied with the activity you do?
8. Physical Environment
– Are you satisfied with your surroundings?
– Are you happy with the house you live in?
– Are you satisfied with the community you live in?
Keep the wheel of life somewhere safe, it will come up later in this workshop.
Lesson 3 : Your Belief System
Lesson 3 – Your Belief System
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”
– M K Gandhi
Lesson 3 – YOU DO part 1 – Your Belief System
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will get clarity about your unique belief system.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
1- Watch (2.28 minutes) Apollo Hester’s belief system that got 11.341.000 Youtube Views

2- You are going to look at your beliefs about all 8 segments.
- Yourself
- Your Family
- You Friendships
- Romance
- Your Finances
- Personal Growth
- Recreation
- Physical Environment
- Health
3- Write for each topic 3 beliefs down. Beliefs come in many forms and are usually a statement, such as ‘I am not good enough to start my own business, ‘People don’t trust me’, ‘I need money in order to have a successful life, or ‘I am not able to find the love of my life. It is very important that you don’t think but write down what comes first. The more honest you are about it. yourself, the more change can happen. For example, if I want to lose weight and I know I eat 2 portions with each meal and I write down as my belief ‘I eat just enough, this won’t help me to change in the future.
Here is an example of the way I’d do it.
Topic 1 Myself
– I am a great daughter. (EMPOWERING)
– Because I am a woman I need to strive more than a man. (LIMITING)
– I am more liked by others than by myself. (LIMITING)
Topic 2 My Running Training
– I am very slow with long runs. (LIMITING)
– I am not athletic, because none of my family members are. (LIMITING)
– I compare myself to others when I run. (LIMITING)
Topic 3 Friendship
– I am a very kind friend. (EMPOWERING
– My friends love my personality. (EMPOWERING)
– I am afraid to say no to my friends. (LIMITING)
Lesson 3 – YOU DO part 2 – Your Belief System
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will get aware of your own unique self-empowering and self-limiting beliefs.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
After you have written your beliefs, write after each of them if it is an empowering belief or a limiting? Again, you need to decide this for only yourself. While a belief can be for someone empowering the same belief can be for someone else limiting.
Limiting beliefs can
- make you feel like you can’t do something because something is wrong with you.
- make you feel that you don’t belong to a certain group
- you feel you are not capable to do something
Empowering beliefs are
Lesson 3 – BONUS – Your Belief System
1- Read what Tony Robins wrote about empowering beliefs.

2- Read what author Mark Manson (The subtle art of not giving a f*ck) writes about limiting beliefs.

Lesson 4 : Acknowledging Self-Limiting and Self-Empowering Beliefs
Lesson 4 – Acknowledging Self-Limiting and Self-Empowering Beliefs
Lesson 4 – YOU DO – Acknowledging Self-Limiting and Self-Empowering Beliefs
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will
- practice acknowledging your self-empowering and self-limiting beliefs
- reflect on your self-empowering and self-limiting beliefs
- learn and practice to let go of your self-empowering and self-limiting beliefs
- create self-empowering beliefs as much as you want
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
Congratulations on writing down your beliefs! Really, from experience, I know that this is not easy. But you did it!
1- Celebrate the empowering beliefs you have. These beliefs make you thrive, experience joy, and are empowering you in different dimensions of your life.
2- Now, acknowledge your limiting beliefs.
First of all, please acknowledge that those are ‘just’ limiting beliefs. No matter how strongly you may believe, it doesn’t make these beliefs true. Yes, they can be comforting. After all, you may have believed them for years and thus received some value from them. But by definition, they are limiting, and they restrict your ability to achieve what you want and improve your life. Limiting beliefs can keep us in our comfort zone. However, these self-limiting beliefs, which hinder our journey towards life goals, can be overcome and replaced with empowering beliefs. By changing your thinking, you can change everything too. Remember they are beliefs, not facts.
3- Reflect on your limiting beliefs.
Is this belief really grounded? Did I always think that way? If not, what has changed? What would it be like to think of the opposite of my belief? Is this belief helping me to progress towards my goals? How would I think about this belief if I were someone else (e.g. My father, my sister, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Rumi, an entrepreneur, a doctor, etc)? How has it impacted your decisions? How has it affected your career choices and relationships? What were the consequences of that belief? And what are the “benefits” of the belief—ways the belief protected you or made you feel safe—which made you want to keep it around? Acknowledge the belief for how it has served you. You adopted this belief because it kept you safe in some capacity. How did it serve you? What did the belief make possible? How did it make you who you are today?
4- CHOOSE to let go of the belief.
One of the most freeing things you can do for yourself is to acknowledge that your belief isn’t true. It
feels true, sure. But it’s not who you are, by definition. Let it go.
5- Replace a limiting belief with an empowering belief.
After you have let go of your limiting beliefs. Write some empowering beliefs for yourself down. Add an empowering belief that says you can change your limiting beliefs. And after you’ve noted a limiting belief, change it. Empowering beliefs improves your life. Once you create your empowering beliefs, new opportunities and challenges may arise and build on your empowering beliefs.
Lesson 4 – BONUS – Acknowledging Self-Limiting and Self-Empowering Beliefs
Lesson 5 : The Practice of Gratitude
Lesson 5 – The Practice of Gratitude
One of the quickest things in life that can shift you immediately from negative thinking to a more peaceful mind is gratitude. Gratitude is a very important part of the rituals for many ancient traditions and religions. And science has also approved that gratitude changes you and your brain in a positive way. Many studies over the past decades have found that people who consciously count their blessings tend to be happier and less depressed. Gratitude frees us from toxic emotions and it has lasting effects on the brain. In their research Joshua Brown (professor of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University) and Joel Wong (professor of counseling psychology at Indiana University) found that when people who are generally more grateful showed greater neural sensitivity in the medial prefrontal cortex, a brain area associated with learning and decision making.
Myself, when I am practicing gratitude I am in a state of peace and accept all there is. As a consequence, the more I am grateful and feel at peace, the more opportunities come my way. And the more I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way, the more new opportunities arrive.
Lesson 5 – YOU DO – The Practice of Gratitude
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will have established the start of your gratitude journey by listing daily 5 things that you are grateful for.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
1-Watchthe Ted Talk by David Steindl-Rast who says that it is gratitude that makes us happy.
2- Make a list of 5 things that you are grateful for at this moment. As an add-on to this, write also down why you are grateful.
You can think about different dimensions in your life, such as work, finance, family, friends, health, physical environment, relationships, nature. My gratitude routine usually goes like this. When waking up I sit still for a moment, ‘feel’ what I am grateful for. Especially feeling is very important here, feel what you are grateful for with your heart and don’t think with your head. After I feel grateful for a certain thing I write a full sentence down, e.g. I am grateful that I have a great support network’ or ‘I am grateful that I am healthy and that I can exercise’.
Btw there are no wrong things you can be grateful for and this for everyone is very unique.
3- Share also under the list on how it went. What did you experience while doing this gratitude practice? What have you learned and were there any challenges?
As you will establish gratitude as a habit, it will take the time that it is in your system. And don’t forget that you can always find 3 things you are grateful for, e.g. if it rains and is really cold on a certain day you could be grateful for your house. If you don’t enjoy the workplace you are working at, you could still be grateful that they provide you with a salary that you can look after your family. Use your creativity!
Lesson 5 – BONUS – The Practice of Gratitude
1- Watch Robert Emmons (Professor of Psychology) talk about why practicing gratitude has a transformative effect on our social and emotional well-being.
Lesson 6 : Gratitude Letter
Lesson 6 – Gratitude Letter
Lesson 6 – YOU DO – Gratitude Letter
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will have practiced showing gratitude to others.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook (+ envelope)
Let’s start practicing gratitude towards others. You are going to write a gratitude letter to someone. Someone that made a difference in your life. This will bring out the strongest positive emotions within you and the person to which you’re writing.
1- Think about a person who did something for you for which you are extremely grateful but to whom you never expressed your deep gratitude. This could be a colleague, old friend, family member, relative, or mentor.
You can pick someone who is still alive or isn’t. Remember your intentions lead this whole process. Maybe it is going to be a person that you haven’t thought about for a while, someone that isn’t always in your mind but you are grateful for.
PS: after you have written this letter, you can choose to give/send the letter to the person you show your appreciation for or keep it to yourself. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction.
2- Write a letter to the chosen person guided by the following steps.
- Address the person (Dear….)
- Explain what your intention is with this letter.
- Describe in specific terms what this person did, why you are grateful to this person, and how this person’s behavior affected your life. Try to be as concrete as possible.
- Describe what you are doing in your life now and how you often remember their efforts.
- Keep it as succinct and clear as possible (250-300 words).
- Worry about grammar and spelling.
- Use words of what the recipient did wrong.
- Blame the recipient on anything, even if you felt she/he did something. Remember this is a gratitude letter.
- Write a 5-paragraph essay.
Now, choose one of the three options.
- Send the letter to the recipient.
- Visit or arrange a phone/video chat with the recipient and let that person know you’d like to see them and have something special to share. First, ask and then take your time to read the letter to the recipient expressing your gratitude. After you have read the letter, be receptive to their reaction and discuss your feelings together. Remember to give the letter to the person when you leave.
- If the person isn’t alive anymore, send him/her blessings and decide what to do with the letter.
Remember that being grateful is about appreciating what one has, as opposed to what one wants. Remember that the key to gratefulness is simple – it’s practice. The more you integrate gratefulness into your life, the easier and more routine it will become. It won’t take long for you to notice a change in yourself and others.
Lesson 7 : Make a Decision
Lesson 7 – Make a Decision
In the video below are some examples of “I decide”.
Lesson 7 – YOU DO – Make a Decision
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will make a decision on moving forward in your life, whatever path that is for you.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
You have come a long way. Woohoo! Please acknowledge this and be proud of yourself.
You have set an intention for the course, you looked at your beliefs around different segments in your life. You recognized some of the beliefs as limiting and some of them as empowering. You did let go of some of the limiting beliefs and embraced your empowering beliefs. Be aware that some other layers of your limiting beliefs might come back because you might have held them for a lifetime. When they get back, you will be aware of them and can decide to let go. You recognized some areas and people where you are grateful for in your life.
Before we go back to our Wheel of Life with some new fresh attention we will practice today making a decision.
Someone once told me a story about two brothers from the same parents and they grew up together in the same household. In their adult life, one became homeless and addicted to alcohol and the other one became a businessman who didn’t drink alcohol at all. The brothers were interviewed separately by the same person and the homeless one got asked, ‘How come you became homeless and addicted to alcohol?’, while the businessman got asked ‘How come you became a businessman and don’t drink alcohol at all?’. Although the questions were similar and at the same time different, both of them answered this question with the same answer. Their answer was ‘Because my father was an alcoholic’.
While I don’t claim that one of the brothers has a better life experience than the other, since I don’t know them and don’t know their life, the story itself is extremely inspirational for me. For me, it means that you are always the decider of your own life.
Today, make a decision that you’d like to move forward in your life, whatever path that is for you. Let go of all past experiences and limiting beliefs.
Don’t think that much. Don’t forget your new life might be between now and the decision you will just make.
Lesson 8 : Set your Goals
Lesson 8 – Set your Goals
Lesson 8 – YOU DO – Set your Goals
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will set your unique goals.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
Wow! You are doing amazing. Thanks for working on yourself. Don’t forget, by working on yourself you indirectly help others too, by being the best version of yourself.
You have made a decision to move forward in life. Today is goal setting day!
Before we really start I want you to take a moment and ask yourself the following question:
What am I very proud of during this workshop, and why?
This will force you to acknowledge your capability and powerful side.
1- Get back to the 8 segments of the wheel of life. Take another piece of paper (you can also do this on google doc or any other digital platform) and draw a new wheel of life and call it ‘The Wheel Of Life 2’. Now rate your satisfaction level out of 10 against each of these different segments the way you’d like to experience. E.g. if you had rated business and career as 5, rate it now as 9 if that is something you’d like to experience. Remember, the rating should be based on what you ‘want’ to experience.
Put The Wheel Of Life 1 and The Wheel Of Life 2 next to each other and see what you had rated and what you have rated now.
8 segments.
1. Business and Career
2. Finances
3. Health
4. Family and friends
5. Romance
6. Personal Growth
7. Recreation
8. Physical Environment
2- Set a goal for each segment.
Find a comfortable place, on your couch, in the garden, or on a chair. Write down your goals for each segment. It is okay if you do not have a goal for a particular segment or if you have more than one goal for any other segment. You can set many different goals. Try to set your goals from a heart space and really listen to what you want to create for your life. A goal like ‘I want a big house’ is different from ‘I have a house where I live with my family that contributes to our well-being’.
Every goal should be as specific as possible. I highly recommend you to write your goals down as in the action itself.
Instead of writing ‘I want to move to London’, ‘I live in London’.
Instead of writing ‘I want to lose weight, ‘I have a healthy body that contributes to a healthier life’.
Examples of goals are:
-I have a job in a multinational company that I love, enjoy and experience freedom.
-In year ? (2025) I will live in London with my partner.
-I am an entrepreneur that makes a difference in the lives of others.
-I produce and host a Podcast about emotional intelligence.
-My memoir is published.
PS: In the coming days we are going to develop an action plan for our goals. But now I enjoy the feeling of having your goals.
Lesson 9 : Empowering Beliefs support Your Goals
Lesson 9 – Empowering Beliefs support Your Goals
Lesson 9 – YOU DO – Empowering Beliefs support Your Goals
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will have create empowering beliefs that support your goals.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
The goals are set, isn’t it crazy! Awesome!
Step by step we are going to work towards our goals. Today we will work with empowering beliefs.
Empowering Beliefs are beliefs we have about ourselves which are helpful, positive, and accurate. Empowering Beliefs give us power because they affect our thoughts, feelings and actions. They help us to take positive action and feel good about ourselves.
1-Watch Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
2- Write next to each goal 2 or 3 empowering beliefs that will support that goal.
For example, if my goal is
In 2022 I will live in London with my partner.
Empowering beliefs that support this goal can be
-Things always work out for me.
-Opportunity always finds me.
-I am excited for what is ahead.
You can write the same empowering beliefs for many different goals.
Remember every belief is unique to the owner. While a certain belief might be for someone empowering, it might be for someone else limiting. You really have to ‘feel’ this for yourself.
Some examples of empowering beliefs:
-Things always work out for me.
-Opportunity always finds me.
-The universe works in my favor.
-The unexpected always occurs.
-The unknown is part of my normal life.
-I am proud of myself.
-I am excited for what is ahead.
-I am responsible for the life I create.
-I embrace challenges because I will always find a way to overcome them.
-The past was who I was, the present is who I am and the future is who I may become.
3- After we have written the empowering beliefs down you can choose out of three things.
1. Say them out loud, one by one.
Important to note: You have to say them out loud until you feel them. If your empowering belief is ‘Things always work out for me’. Feel how it feels like things always work out for you.
2. Look in the mirror and say them out loud.
3. Close your eyes and whisper them to yourself.
If this process might seem crazy for you or another limiting belief keeps popping (e.g. I can’t do this), acknowledge your feelings about it, and keep trying.
You will keep repeating these empowering beliefs towards yourself until it really clicks in your mind. You will come to a point that you don’t need to say them to yourself, because you will start ‘believing’ in them and it will be in your system. You can also use those beliefs prior to something that you are insecure of. E.g. If you need to enter a very important meeting and you are nervous you can use empowering beliefs to make you comfortable. Please don’t forget we are not getting rid of our limiting beliefs, we will process them each time when they come up by acknowledging them as a limiting belief. The more you repeat this process, the more it will become very natural to you.
Lesson 9 – BONUS – Empowering Beliefs support Your Goals
Here are examples of great self-empowering beliefs.
- I am surrounded by abundance.
- The universe works in my favor.
- The unexpected always occurs.
- The beautiful unknown is part of my normal life.
- Money comes easily to me.
- I love myself just as I am.
- I deserve the best life partner.
- I enjoy my life to the fullest.
- I am constantly abundant by opportunities,
- People love working with me.
- I create, trust my work, and ship.
- I am an amazing husband.
- I am an amazing daughter.
- I am the best friend someone can ask for.
- I am an entrepreneur.
- I am an athlete.
- I am an artist.
- Things always work out for me.
- My past does not equal my future
- No matter what happens, I can handle it.
- The future is exciting with endless possibilities.
- I am worthy and deserving
- I enjoy doing my best and I experience joy during the process.
- Things always work out for me.
- I have done my research, and I know what I am doing.
- I do this for me.
- I am my authentic self in all my relationships, and people love me for me.
- I do not judge others, because I do not judge myself.
- I hold myself and others accountable, with generosity and love.
- I feel good about myself every single day.
- The work doesn’t have to be perfect to be done well. I start right as I am, wherever I am.
- I always make time for myself.
- I live exactly the life I’ve imagined.
Lesson 10 : Visualisation
Lesson 10 – Visualisation
Today we are going to learn and practice a new (for some) technique; visualisation.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, visualization is “the act of visualizing something or someone” or “forming a picture of it in your mind”. It’s almost like looking through a particular lens, your unconsciousness, your imagination, your deepest desires, and seeing your life unfold within your inner eye.
Visualization has been used for a very long time in sports. Muhammad Ali’s famous quote “If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it” already shows that he truly believed in the power of visualization. But he’s not the only one who used visualization in his successful sports career. A study published in Neuropsychologia found that imagining moving certain parts of your body almost trains the muscles as much as the actual movement. Our mind is literally very powerful!
The trick behind it is that our brain cannot differentiate between what is already true and what is fiction.
Conditioning yourself to your new beliefs means creating the reality you want for yourself in your mind, visualizing the results you want to achieve. Visualization is a great way to create anticipation. You will mentally experience the result you want to achieve. With this, you will be sending congruent signals to your brain, making it work for you.
By doing this work, you’re not only creating the space to show up as your fullest self, but you’re also leveraging your experiences to hold space for others to become themselves too, to use their voices, and to align their actions with what matters.
“Anything you can imagine, you can create.”
-Oprah Winfrey
Lesson 10 – YOU DO – Visualisation
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will practice visualisation of your goals.
Needs: your goals
1- Watchwhat Oprah Winfrey has learned from Jim Carrey.

2- WatchThe Power of Visualisation by Jay Shetty.

3- Put your written goals in front of you.
Now, pick a goal and imagine the specific situation in as many details as possible using all your senses – you can see it, smell it, hear it, feel it and taste it. Make your visualization as real as possible. Imagine yourself becoming the person you could be. For many people, it helps when they close their eyes. If you prefer to write it all down instead of doing it purely in their mind that’s also fine. Remember, you decide!
The trick behind it is that our brain cannot differentiate between what is already true and what is fiction. Your brain will think that you already have reached that goal and you’ll start acting accordingly, unconsciously.
Now, pick your next goal and next goal. Please take your time. You don’t need to do all the goals at the same time. You can do e.g. each time before you sleep one goal.
Most importantly enjoy the process, don’t be harsh on yourself, be curious, be proud of yourself, and celebrate your efforts.
Lesson 10 – BONUS – Visualisation
Read the article ‘The Power Of Visualisation and How to Use It on Forbes
2- Watch how to How To Manifest What You want by Jim Carrey.

Lesson 11 : Your Journey towards Success
Lesson 11 – Your Journey towards Success
Lesson 11 – YOU DO – Your Journey towards Succes
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will have created a 10-step plan to reach your goals.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
You are here for a reason, and you have just set goals. My goal here is to make you unleash your potential and experience success (the way you experience it).
Today we are going to think about the steps towards our success journey, after 1 year.
1- Pick one goal from the list you have just created. It doesn’t need to be a major one, but of course, it can be (examples of goals are being a published author, having a summer house, switching careers, moving to country x, losing weight, living a more mindful life.)
2- You are going to create a 10-step plan to make you achieve your goal.
Write the number 1-10 under each other, start with 10. Write at 10 your goal. Then, write at 9 the step you need to be at in order to go 10. Then, write at 8 the step you need to be at in order to go to 9. Then, write at 7 the steps you need to be at in order to go to 8. So on..
Note that you should start with step 10 and work from there to step 1.
Here is a sample of my goal setting when my goal was publishing my book. I use this goal-setting only for my online (softcopy book). The hardcopy book goals looked different. If you like, you can have more than 10 steps.
10. My softcopy book ‘The Student’ is being sold at online and offline Booksellers in Europe, UK, and the USA. (Amazon, Bol.com, Waterstones).
What do I do to get here?
9. Softcopy book delivered/uploaded to Booksellers in Europe, UK, and the USA.
What do I do to get here?
8. Softcopy book formatted as an ePub for e-readers.
What do I do to get here?
7. Covers and spine ready and uploaded to the book file and final check of my book by my editor.
What do I do to get here?
6. Find a graphic designer who I match with.
What do I do to get here?
5. All writing is finalized. My editor and I decided that the book is good to go.
What do I do to get here?
4. Work on the second draft of the book and send it to the editor.
What do I do to get here?
3. Send the first book draft to 3 friends that read the genre I write in and implement some of the feedback that is useful.
What do I do to get here?
2. Have weekly video calls with the editor and refine writing.
What do I do to get here?
1. Start writing daily 1-2 hours.
Please note that this process might be a long one, so take your time.
Now, DO THE SAME FOR ALL OF YOUR GOALS. And remember to use the empowering beliefs at moments you feel stuck
Lesson 12 : Trust and Appreciation
Lesson 12 – Trust and Appreciation
Lesson 12 – YOU DO – Trust and Appreciation
Objective: At the end of this lesson you practice trust and appreciation.
Needs: –
Goals are set, steps towards the goals are created and empowering beliefs are out there.
Now it’s time to
trust and
1- Watch part (starting at 7.08) of my conversation with Seth Godin where he talks about trusting yourself.
2- Trust!
It’s time to trust.
-Trust yourself
-Trust that you have set the right goals for you
-Trust the timing of everything
Trust your own journey. It might look sometimes different than others, maybe more uncomfortable, more unpredictable, yet everyone’s journey is unique, so is yours.
PS: We cannot make you trust. Yet, you have every single moment to ‘decide’ to trust yourself.
3- Appreciate
1. First of all, take a moment and appreciate all of yourself. Embrace the person you are with all your imperfections. Appreciate the friend, the mother, the father, the employee, the daughter you are. Appreciate your efforts, your kindness, your care, your love, even your insecurities.
2. Secondly, take someone in mind. Your boss, your partner, your friend, your neighbor. Appreciate others for who they are. Appreciation will make you a person with an open mind (beyond your judgments).
PS: Appreciation shouldn’t be mistaken for agreeing with what someone is doing or thinking. You don’t need to agree with the person, yet you can still appreciate her for her actions.
3. Appreciate life. Stop resisting things in your life and let them happen.
Lao Tzu says
‘Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like’. I found satisfaction with the simple things in my life. The more I appreciated life and accepted everything that I was experiencing, the more I lived in the present moment and experienced joy.
Take it all in. Take as much time as you need for this.
Lesson 12 – BONUS – Trust and Appreciation
1- Listen to the Bridging Podcast episode (10) with Gulshanoy Tolipova about empowerment, strength, confidence, and endurance.
2- Watch the Ted Talk of 2x Olympian Nicole Davis on Trust Yourself to be Good Enough
Lesson 13 : Habits towards Your Goals 1
Lesson 13 – Habits towards Your Goals 1
Lesson 13 – YOU DO – Habits towards Your Goals 1
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will track your habits and evaluate them if they are blocking or helping you to achieve your goals.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
Today we are going to look at our habits and see if they align with our goals.
James Clear the author of bestseller Atomic Habits defines habits this way: “Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day.” He says that our lives today are essentially the sum of our habits. How in shape or out of shape we are is a result of our habits. How happy or unhappy you are is a result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful you are is a result of your habits.
Now it’s time to think about your own habits. Are they bringing you closer to the life you want, or are they pushing you away from it?
1-Listen to the Bridging Podcast episode (35) with Arie Boomsma about establishing habits.
2- Make a list of habits you are having. Write behind each habit if it is helping you or blocking you to achieve your goals. Important to note is that a certain habit might be for someone helping whereas it might be for someone else blocking. This can be different for each individual and person.
Put the habits in categories as in daily habits, weekly habits, and monthly habits. Please note that it is important that you are honest with yourself.
Daily Habits
–wake up
-check my phone
-go to the bathroom
-check my phone
-answer email
-stretch for 10 minutes
-check my phone
-go for a run
-make coffee
-eat a croissant
-take shower
-start working
-check my phone
-so on..
Weekly Habits
-write a blog post
-do the laundry
-take out the trash
-water plants
-clean the house
Monthly Habits
-review finances
-weekend away
-buy stocks
-pay bills
-going on a date night
Lesson 13 – BONUS – Habits towards Your Goals 1
Read more about establishing habits via James Clear

Watch (3.38 minutes) How to break habits (from The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg)
Lesson 14 : Habits towards Your Goals 2
Lesson 14 – Habits towards Your Goals 2
Lesson 14 – YOU DO – Habit towards Your Goals 2
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will create a list of 10 habits you’d like to establish.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
Now, create a list of 10 habits you’d like to establish that are aligned with your goals, in order of most to least ‘doable.’ ‘Doable’ depends on how easy or hard it is to establish the habit. If you are a morning person and you’d like to wake up every morning 10 minutes earlier to do a short workout that can be doable. If you are a night owl, this might be the least doable. We’re starting with the smallest possible habit and building influence.
- most doable
- ….
- ….
- ….
- ….
- ….
- ….
- ….
- ….
- least doable
Positive daily habits and routines create consistent momentum toward developing a high-performance mindset
Lesson 15 : Establish a Routine
You are going to start establishing a routine that is the best for you.
Daily practice is a game-changer for creativity. Routines allow you to carve out time to pursue your passion every single day. Once it’s a routine, there’s no more wriggling out of painting or writing or working on your business plan because you’re too tired or the muse eludes you. Among other things, it keeps projects constantly percolating in the unconscious mind—and research shows just how powerful the unconscious mind is, helping us to reach better decisions than active thought.
I myself have created a morning and an evening routine for myself.
My routines have changed over the years, and have always adapted towards my needs and desires.
An example of my morning routine is
Wake Up at 6.30
Meditate for 10 minutes
Write 3 things down that I am grateful for
Read Business Book 20 pages
Planning for the day
An example of my evening routine is
Phone off at 21.00
Planking for 1 minute
Reading novel
Objective: At the end of this lesson you have created a fundament of a routine you want to establish.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook
Watch what Tom Bilyeu has to say about a morning routine.
2- Think about your habits for a moment that you want to establish. Remember that those habits are related to your goals in life (The Wheel Of Life 2).
Choose one or two time frames in your day. This can be morning, afternoon, or evening. I always prefer the morning, because then everyone sleeps and I really have time for myself. Write down what your routine can look like. A list of good routines will give you energy and make you enthusiastic about it. It has to work with your lifestyle. If you like to stay up late, getting up early as part of your routine may not work.
Once you have your routine, start it tomorrow and give it a little time and it’ll start to feel like second nature—but if you realize something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it. It can be worthwhile to alter routines periodically to keep things fresh and stimulating. Once you’ve established one routine, the merest of tweaks can totally revitalize your day.
Start small! Establishing a routine for me started with a small thing and then I slowly added new things to it that are bringing me closer to my goals.
1- Read What’s your morning ritual by Tony Robins
2- Read this Headspace article about “The secret benefit of routines. It won’t surprise you.”
3- Read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
4- How to start the day by Anne Vital, below!

Lesson 16 : Write a Letter to Your Future Self
Lesson 16 – Write a Letter to Your Future Self
Objective: At the end of this lesson you will have written a letter to your future self.
Needs: pen and notebook or digital notebook (+ envelope)
Imagine writing to your future self 5 years from now — what would you say? What kind of person would you be? What goals would you want to have achieved? Not only is it mind-boggling, but it gets you thinking about your goals 5 years from now.
Refer to today’s date.
1- Imagine writing to your future self exactly a year from now. What do you want to say to her/him? Some consideration points:
- What do you want to be one year from now?
- What kind of person do you want to be?
- What habit would you like to let go of?
- What are the goals and dreams you want to realize by then?
- What is your desired status for the areas on The Wheel of Life? Career/Business/Studies? Money/Wealth? Family? Friends? Love? Health? Spirituality? Recreation? Contribution? Self-Image?
2- Once you’re done, sign off with your name and today’s date.
3- Keep your letter in a safe place.
- Put the papers in an envelope. Seal it.
- On the cover, write “To [Your Name]. To be opened on [Date].” Replace “[Your Name]” with your name, with “[Date]” the date that’s one year from now.
- Set an appointment in your calendar to open your letter one year from now.
- Put this envelope in a safe place where no one can access it.
4- In this one year, work hard on your goals and vision! Then open and read your letter one year from today.
5- If you want, type your letter one more time and send it to ozlem@ozkanozlem.com. I will make sure to send it to you exactly one year later.